The Ultimate Experience - Reaching The Sky
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Riding the quay crane to reach the sky. The title is a bit provoking. That was about what we (I and my team member) felt when we were riding the machine weights 750 tons and heights 60 meter above the ground level. See the pics to understand why.
Photo at control center, where every single operations movement is observed by CCTV at this room.

Photo at the International wharf, preparation to climb up the machine. See as the pic background, the machine is working on vessel.

We were at seaside of the machine outreach arm.

I was at the operator cabin, trying to drive the machine whilst the man beside me was the machine manager giving the instruction.

Phewwww.... despite the scary feeling of its height, indeed it was a great experience. I decide to appreciate more the operators' dedication to their works which involving very high risk and demands on high precision works which give no tolerance on any mistake.