Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Yesterday, I was told by the Office Housekeeping Dept, that the new lay out will start today. Good. After 2 months seeing no progress. He said that I can expect the placement of new counter desks on Saturday. I will wait !

Yesterday, I talked to HR Manager. I discovered that threats are something common in this industry. Yes, I received threats through unknowned sms and also direct message. Sms saying that I must not do anything that could hurt myself or magic spell would be sent to me. Direct message when someone came to me and told me to be more careful if I do not want something bad happen.

The Shore Manager advised me not to care about the threats too much and live the life as usual. He also received threats for years from unknowned telephone calls.

Whilst HR Manager told me that he received direct threats.

Those people seemed to get used to live with threats, whilst for me this is quite new things. I do not know if I could bear it or not.

So far, after 2 weeks from the day I received the direct message, I still try to stay.


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